Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Village Song - Jay

Two days ago, we took our family to a Fijian village called Vunavutu. It is located just outside of Sagitoka, near the Sigatoka Sand Dunes. The village has 3 clans (Families) that work the nearby plantation to survive. A future blog post will highlight the village and the life that they lead.

We spent only a short time in the village, but it was an amazing adventure and life changing for us. Our guide for this adventure was Stee, the nephew of one of the families. He is an incredible man with a passion for music and all things good. As such, I wrote a song for him to sing along his most excellent guitar play. He is going to work on it to produce it at some point. But in the interim, here are the words to:

Life in the Village

Life in the village... A great place to be
If you come and visit... You will see / We love Fiji

Starts with the kava... When you arrive
Let know the Fiji gods... You are alive

No time to linger... Many things to do
Life in the village... They will help you

Outside with the children... Go run and play
Start in the morning... Stay out all day


Out to the plantation... We have food to grow
How do we get there... The grass path will show

If you want to eat it... You better plant it deep
Time is the benefit... The rewards you'll reap

Get yourself a coconut... Climb up a tree
Send one of the children... Up like a monkey


Ladies in the kitchen... Full mean to cook
Working all together... Come take a look

One makes the vegetables... One makes the rice
Food for the family... No thinking twice

Tastes like a miracle... You soon realize
The elders are experienced...They are very wise


No standing idly... No feeling blue
To be part of the family... There are things to do

Out to the wood pile... Chop for the fire
Dont let the flame run out... Or life will expire

Go pound the kava root... Make it nice and fine
We do it together... What's yours is mine

<Chorus X2)

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