Monday, January 14, 2013

Dramamine is good - Jay

Dramamine is a gift of nectar from the gods of travel. 

Upon our arrival to Fiji, we anded in Nadi on the western side of the Viti Levu (the main island of Fiji. We then traveled by car to the eastern side of the island which was 3+ hours away.  We didn't know it at the time, but the roads were curved and bumpy. This combination of road conditions along with almost uncontrolled speed limits (or lack there of) made for a nauseating experience for our family (after traveling 14 hours via plane. At one point, about 2 hours into our drive, Easton informed us that he needed to stop for fear of stomach ailment. So we did. He didn't throw-up, but he did feel as if he might. 

We have since made an additional drive from Suva to Sigatoka, which is about 2+ hours west of Suva (along the same curved road). The ride was equally as bumpy, and to make things even more speculative, we were on a bus that appeared to be behind schedule. But this time, we gave the boys Dramamine. The Dramamine seemed to do the trick. They both did fine and survived better than others on the bus. The girl next to me ended up disposing of her lunch in a plastic bag about half way home.

Dramamine. I recommend it.

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