Monday, January 7, 2013

Hike: Fiji style – Karen

I think Saturday may end up being one of my favorite 'family days' in Fiji. We (Terri, Zoe, Jay and the boys and I) went up to Colo-I-Suva (pronounced Tholo-ee-Suva) Forest Reserve and met some friends/colleagues of Terri's for a hike /lunch in the rainforest.  We took a short hike across bridges, rocks, streams and steps where we were able to behold majestic views, a bit of nature, pools and waterfalls.  
Near the end of the hike we stopped for a dip into a swimming hole with a rope swing.  The boys were in heaven and able to try jump a few times off the ropes into the deep water below.  After several leaps we all got out of the water awhile to enjoy our packed lunch and were treated to what I only can refer to as a “lunch show” with the locals taking their own jumps from the ropes with acrobats and well polished flips, spins and dives from all parts of the tree/rope. It was quite engaging. Click here to watch the boys on the rope swing

On the return trip back to Suva we packed 12 people into our truck such that we could drop off some of Terri's friends we met up with at the swimming hole to a town between the hike and home. We all giggled and laughed at our ability to get everyone in the truck and even spotted a the Qiri Kapa Boys marching band found only in Fiji.  Everyone had a ball.

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