Saturday, December 29, 2012

When life hands you lemons... Karen

Yes, I know it is cheesy, but you make lemonade.  The boys and I today made lemonade from scratch.  

There is rather a large lemon tree on the property where we are staying.  I would have sworn it was a lime tree as the fruit was huge, but still bright green.  Joe corrected me that it was indeed a lemon tree.  So, the boys went and climbed the tree and got me a bunch of lemons. Then we took turns squeezing out the juice on 9 lemons.  The sugar here is a light brown, so the sugar/water mixture looked a bit more like sun tea than sugar water.  

However, once mixed with the pure lemon juice and water, it is a cool light yellow color.  We did a first taste and it was surprisingly not bad.  It's chilling in the refrigerator now, but we are looking forward to having lemonade with our dinner tonight!

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